Just a few things to mention at this time. First, if you have not noticed we have made several changes to the class schedule. All regular classes are now at the same time every night. Two reasons for this. We decided it would be much easier for everyone both students and instructors to have a more consistent schedule. Also several parents mentioned they wanted their kids to be out by 7:30 each night because of school being in session again.
I also want to remind everyone that the December Test is on December 7th and not the second weekend as usual. It is an advanced test. Mr. Duke will be testing and I am sure he would appreciate all of your support.
And of course the annual school party will follow immediately after the test. It is a pot luck food party so everyone should bring something to share. The school will provide refreshments. All students and family are invited. Please come and join us all and enjoy our celebration of being open for 50 years.